When I worked in the retail industry I was always disgusted that the store had to remain open on the Fourth of July. Instead of being able to spend time with my family and enjoy a day of freedom, I had to be in the mall dealing with customers who a vast majority of were recent immigrants and foreigners, people who had no idea what independence and freedom were all about.
In my eyes the Fourth of July is the most important of all American holidays. If you consider yourself a patriotic American you should boycott malls and stores. If no one patronizes the stores on Independence Day maybe management will take a hint and close the store next year so the workers can spend The Fourth the way it is meant to be enjoyed. Don't go to the mall, don't go shopping, buy all your groceries before the 4th. Instead spend the day outside with family and friends enjoying the freedom the comes with living in the greatest country in the world, the land of the free and home of the brave.
1 comment:
Instead of going to the mall, people could visit someone who lives in a nursing home. In my years of working in and around them, it always amazes me that most people visit relatives and that such groups such as the Boy/Girl scouts, church groups, etc. visit around the winter holidays. People who live in nusing and assisted living places like to talk year round, not just when people feel it is the time of year to do their "annual good deed". I work with people who are DD (people who are mentally retarded, have CP, Down's syndrom, etc.) and it is amazing how "regular people" are afraid of them. My sister has been blind for the past couple of years and the ignorance she has to deal with and that I see is truly amazing. So maybe in the spirit of July 4th, spend some time with someone who looks, believes or is in some way "different" from you- you might find that they are much like you in many ways and should not be feared.
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